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Cannabis Use Disorder Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke

People who have cannabis use disorder are at a higher risk of experiencing heart attack, stroke, and other major cardiovascular conditions. This suggests that frequent cannabis use may have a negative impact on heart health.

Research Analysis

Anees Bahji and his team at the University of Calgary analyzed the health records of 59,528 individuals in Canada. Half of the participants had been diagnosed with cannabis use disorder, which refers to continued marijuana use despite its interference with daily life. The researchers tracked the occurrence of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular conditions in these individuals between January 2012 and December 2019.

After adjusting for factors like age, gender, and socioeconomic status, the researchers found that people with cannabis use disorder had a nearly 60% higher risk of developing a cardiovascular condition compared to those without the disorder. The risk increased with the severity of the disorder, with individuals seeking care for cannabis dependence five or more times being over twice as likely to have heart or vascular problems.

Possible Mechanisms

Although the exact mechanisms behind this association are unclear, Bahji suggests that compounds in cannabis, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), may bind to receptors in the body, leading to elevated heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and altered blood clotting.

Need for Further Research

Cannabis use has been on the rise, particularly among young individuals. However, this study focused solely on those with cannabis use disorder and doesn’t account for individuals who use the drug infrequently. Jennifer Bailey from the University of Washington highlights the necessity for studies investigating the relationship between lower levels and shorter durations of cannabis use with heart health. Additionally, research examining the potential differential effects of various cannabis products on heart health is needed.

Cannabis Science

The use of marijuana and its compounds is increasing worldwide. In this context, this section explores the latest research on the medical potential of cannabis, its cultivation and environmental impact, how it affects the body and mind, and what the future of marijuana may hold.


Frequent cannabis use, particularly in individuals with cannabis use disorder, may pose risks to heart health. Further research is warranted to understand the underlying mechanisms and the impact of different levels and durations of cannabis use on cardiovascular health.

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